Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Meaningful Use and the Missing Ultrasound

Imagine you show up for a follow up appointment with your physician to review the Ultrasound you had done 10 days ago. An ultrasound that was performed in the same hospital system as the one you are visiting that you fully expect to be available for your physician to review with you - but when you arrive they have no information, report or even knowledge of the study every being performed.....well you don't have to imagine this at all as I would bet it is happening on a routine basis in many facilities.

So it was for a recent visit in our family. Fortunately I had insisted on a digital copy of the Ultrasound delivered on a CD in DICOM format. A quick visit to download a free DICOM Viewer - in this case OsiriX and a potentially wasted visit turned into productive experience. But were it not for the standard of DICOM making these images available easily, and my mission of collecting all medical records personally it would have been a very different story. In my mind the facility woud not have passed the first hurdle of meaningful use - no one involved in care was getting meaningful use of the imaging study or the information from that exam.

Which brings me to the the HITECH act and Meaningful Use standard. Health and Human Services convened hearings on Meaningful use in April this year and issued a set of recommendations that were open to public comment up to June 26, 2009. It is an important question because the incentive funds are linked to implementation that fulfills "Meaningful Use". Naturally everyone is scrambling to determine if their product/solution will meet the requirements and for those on the purchasing or user side wanting to know what Meaningful Use means to them. The Association of Medical Directors of Information Systems (AMDIS) submitted their combined response - the result of discussion that took place at the cleverly nabbed domain www.meaningfuluse.org. The AMDIS response can be found here (pdf). AMDIS promotes Meaningful use based on broad high level themes that include
  • Meaningful use should be from the patient’s eyes and in particular make the information available to them
  • Clarification of the requirements to receive funding - what must be met to receive payouts
  • Focus on data capture and sharing
  • Defer reporting requirements of quality measures on the basis that this will become a natural byproduct of implementing systems that capture this information appropriately
  • Defer requirements for CPOE implementation as this represents a huge technical and administrative challenge
  • Support the criteria with certification of systems that ensure they can talk to other systems - sharing of the data
Great additions to the debate and ones that include a common theme of the patient and importantly easy access to their own records and clinical information.

Not surprisingly the common theme of shareability of information is also evident in the Healthstory response which can be found here (Word Document). Healthstory focused on:

  • Incentives to make information sharing a core component of any system and process
  • Make the information shared available in "meaningful" form that includes structure and consistency
  • Include additional codification of the data that makes it useful to both humans and electronic healthcare systems
  • Create incentives for reporting of quality measures
The common thread is the ready sharing of information for the Personal Health Record. As presented in an organization chart that I remember from years back at ground breaking and innovative facility Health Care International Hospital (HCI) in Glasgow Scotland the patient is the king and appears at the top of the organization chart. So while the comment period has closed your ability to look for meaningful use and getting the full healthstory has not. Insist on receiving your information in usable form - it may save you and your physician a lot of time.

Have you had similar experiences - did you get your medical record in usable form or did you meet with full blown resistance. Let me know the good and the bad.

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